Adult Life Connections
Adult Life Connections Calls
Adult Life Connections Calls for parents and caregivers of adult individuals with Dup15q.
These peer-to-peer drop-in support Zoom meetings are led by parents Nicole Cleary and Paul and Anne Karch. It’s a time to check in with others walking your path, get ideas about programs, and even learn a little about how your retirement may affect your adult Duper.
These private calls run two times each month.
Second Friday 3-4 pm est
Fourth Wednesday 9-10 pm EST
Dup15q Families: Check your email for more information and how to join these events!
Questions? Email
Find more resources from the Dup15q Adult Life Committee, made up of parents whose children have already transitioned or those who have knowledge of transitioning into adulthood, developed/researched resources and strategies that will help families achieve successful outcomes. They identified the aspects that are most critical and gained a better understanding of the various transition aspects as they are anticipated and/or experienced by Dupers and their Families.