Walk 2

Colorado Dup15q Believe Walk 2022


2022 Denver Believe Walk!

Walk with us and support Dup15q Alliance!

When: September 18, 2022 at Clement Park
Registration Opens at 8:30 am
Walk Begins at 9:00 am
Walk Tickets are $25 and includes a Believe Walk shirt.
Individuals with Dup15q are always free!
Ages 6-12 includes a Believe Walk shirt.
Ages 5 and under are free, but Believe Walk shirt not included.
*Tickets ordered after August 17th DOES NOT GUARANTEE you Believe Walk Shirts, BUT there may be some available the day of the event.
Gather your family and friends. Dress in blue (our signature color). Know that you’re part of something bigger. By raising awareness we can help other families who may still be searching for answers. Any funds raised will go to Dup15q Alliance who provides family support and promotes awareness, research and targeted treatments for dup15q syndrome.
If you can’t make the walk, please consider a donation to the Dup15q Alliance.
Are you interested in providing a Raffle Basket or have questions? Please contact Adrienne Paradis at adrienneparadis@msn.com or Lauren Polak at laurenpolak3@gmail.com.


Sep 18 2022


All Day


In-Person Events

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