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PAME Conference 2022

Registration is open for the AES Annual Meeting and PAME Conference

This year’s PAME conference will feature plenary sessions on international impact of mortality in epilepsy and lessons learned to prevent SUDEP from SIDS and SUDY. Breakout sessions will tackle surveillance in epilepsy mortality, the science of devices for preventing SUDEP, approaches to acute intervention or prevention, and the Child Neurology Foundation’s SUDEP and Epilepsy Mortality Toolkit. This year’s conference will also feature a poster session and special recognition for promising early career investigators.

New this year! A special session for bereaved families and advocates is scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th, from 2:00 – 5:30 pm. A welcome reception for all conference attendees follows from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Hilton Nashville Downtown.

Registration to attend PAME in person is $150 for clinical and science professionals, $50 for trainees, and $50 for advocates/family members. Please see the AES Annual Meeting website for AES Annual Meeting registration rates. Do you plan to attend only the PAME meeting in person? Email pame@aesnet.org for instructions on how to register for PAME only.

Register Now

Conference goals:

  • Critically evaluate the incidence, risk factors, and prevention strategies for mortality in epilepsy
  • Describe the progress made and future directions for research regarding mortality in epilepsy
  • Provide opportunities for networking and collaborations among stakeholders, including people with epilepsy, researchers, families, clinicians, and advocates
  • To be a welcoming gathering place of comfort and information for those who have lost a loved one
  • Gain skills in advocacy to build public awareness and impact public policy regarding epilepsy mortality
  • Encourage early-career investigators to study causes of mortality in epilepsy


Dec 01 2022


All Day

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