
Seizure Action Plan Awareness Week

Seizure Action Plan Awareness Week is February 13-20.
We’re helping patients, caregivers and healthcare providers spread awareness about epilepsy and the importance of having an action plan in place.
Because over half of the individuals with dup15q will have at least 1 seizure in their lifetime, having a SAP in place is important even if your child hasn’t developed seizures. A Seizure Action Plan lets others know what to do in an emergency situation.
What is a Seizure Action Plan?
A Seizure Action Plan – or SAP – incorporates tailored guidelines on how to respond during a seizure. It includes essential information that can help people react quickly and reduce the harm a seizure can do.
Who needs a SAP?
About one-third of people with epilepsy will eventually develop refractory epilepsy or drug-resistant epilepsy—making a seizure action plan an important management tool.
In a recent study, only 45% of pediatric patients and 30% of adult patients responded that they have a had a seizure action in place.
Who needs to know if your loved one has a SAP?
The development of a Seizure Action Plan should involve and be shared with the patient, caregiver, and healthcare providers to create a customized plan tailored to the patient.
Sharing action plans with caregivers increases their comfort level for seizure care. In addition to parents and caregivers, school staff, coworkers, babysitters, and medical personnel including emergency medical technicians may benefit from a person’s seizure action plan.
Learn more about Seizure Action Plans
Visit the Seizure Action Plan Coalition’s website to learn all there is to know about SAP Awareness Week – how to create a SAP, why they are so important, and how you can raise awareness about them in your own community.  You can also check out CNF’s Epilepsy Education Hub to learn more about SAPs as part of healthy epilepsy management.
Learn more at


Feb 13 2023


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



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