Webinar: Growth Attenuation Therapy
Our partners at DEE-P Connections are hosting a Webinar: Growth Attenuation Therapy – Everything you want and need to know
Join us to learn more about growth attenuation therapy (GAT) – an intervention to bring on early puberty in order to reduce the ultimate growth of a child. Since 2006, this treatment has been utilized to help caregivers continue to care for non-ambulatory children with severe physical and cognitive delays in their own homes. Those who chose this route often report an improved quality of life that allows them to carry, cuddle, change, bathe, and travel with their highly dependent children. During this webinar, you will:
- Learn what GAT is and how it works.
- Hear from families who have been or are going through GAT with their children.
- Ethical and practical considerations of GAT.
- Get your questions answered!
Our professional experts will be:
Phil Zeitler is the Medical Director, Children’s Hospital Colorado Clinical & Translational Research Center Section Head, Endocrinology. He has been a critical leader in ensuring accessibility to GAT by openly sharing his protocols and advising families/clinicians and is conducting research on GAT.
Benjamin Wilfond is Professor, Divisions of Bioethics and Palliative Care and Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Department of Pediatrics; Adjunct Professor, Department of Bioethics and Humanities, University of Washington School of Medicine. He co-authored this paper which was the result of a twenty-person working group convened to discuss the ethical and policy considerations of GAT.