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Webinar: Low-Tech Solutions for Children with Complex Communication Needs.

Our partners at DEE-P Connections are hosting a Webinar: Low-Tech Solutions for Children with Complex Communication Needs. April 8 @ 12:00 pm EST

This webinar, put on in conjunction with the CACNA1A Foundation, is the third in our series on Optimizing Therapies for those with DEEs, and will focus on how to read and interpret your child’s behaviors as communication within the home. In addition, we will spend time discussing how to shape those behaviors into meaningful forms of communication within the home that others can interpret as well. This workshop will focus on low-tech communication options and solutions for when you are trying to help your child develop a meaningful form of communication and you have limited access to more sophisticated and high-tech forms of communication.

Presenter: Amanda Luddeke MS SLP CCC



Apr 08 2022


12:00 am - 12:00 am

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