SCI Spotlight Newsletter April 2024
SCI Spotlight Newsletter March 2024
SCI Spotlight Newsletter February 2024
SCI Spotlight Newsletter January 2024
Additional Information
- 2019 Science Symposium
- 2021conference
- Adaptive Items
- Adult Life Connections
- Believe Walk
- Dup15q Advocacy in Action
- Dup15q Clinics
- Dup15q Clinics
- Families & Caregivers
- FAQs
- Gala
- Get involved in Rare Disease Day!
- Get involved in Rare Disease Day!
- Highlights From The ASF/Dup15q Science Symposium
- I don’t know what LADDER is.
- In Loving Memory
- Anna Miller
- Charly Curtis
- Clare True
- Colby Mosely
- Colleen Bruton
- Dylan King
- Eric Hoffmann
- Evan Mackey
- Fynn Cox
- Hayley Plate
- Jackson Campolmi
- Kelly Almond
- Kevin Chamberlain
- Kyle Barrett
- Kyle Morgan Hoffman
- Layton Roberson
- Luke Segars
- Michael Brady
- Michael Hauler
- Naomi Gerber
- Rachel Karch
- Sam Koury
- Sam O’Donovan
- Sarah Bernaldo
- Tyler Kobuszewski
- LADDER Database
- Ladder Learning Network
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Children’s Hospital Colorado
- Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- Children’s Health Dallas/University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW)
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Tel Hashomer
- Erasmus MC, Rotterdam Netherlands
- Geisinger Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute Lewisburg, PA
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Minnesota Epilepsy Group
- Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Miami, FL
- NYU Langone Health
- Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
- Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston
- UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco, CA
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville
- Weill Cornell Medicine New York
- Mayo Clinic
- Medical & Health Care
- Memorial Wall
- Million Dollar Bike Ride
- Nashville Attractions
- Navigating Special Needs Trusts
- Navigating SSI
- Newly Diagnosed Family – Parent to Parent Ambassadors
- Not Interested in sharing my child’s data.
- Not Sure if you signed up for LADDER?
- On Demand
- Other Resources & Programs for Families with Disabilities
- Pledge
- Professionals
- Programs & Resources
- Programs & Resources Data
- Ask the Expert Series
- Community Connections Chat
- Counseling Services
- Dup15q Air Travel Tips
- Past Webinars
- Resources for swim gear, adaptive gear, clothing, and equipment.
- Respite Resources
- State Resources
- Support for Other 15q Disorders
- Caregiver posting for child with dup15q syndrome
- Safety Resources
- Resource Navigator
- Roche
- Run/Ride for a Reason
- Siblings
- Signing up takes less than 5 minutes!
- Social Security Q & A
- Social Services Program
- Special Needs Trust Q & A
- Subscribe
- Teen Life
- Thank you for signing up for the LADDER Database!
- Thank you for verifying your contact information!
- Tips for IEP Transition into Highschool
- Understanding Dup15q Syndrome
- VIP Siblings
- Governmental Advocacy Resources
- Rare Your Blue for Dup15q
- Shop
- Why is it called Dup15q Syndrome?
- Glossary
- Conference Assistance Opportunities
- Believe: Living with Dup15q Syndrome Documentary
- Events Calendar
- Medications Commonly Used in Dup15q Syndrome
- Home
- Tyler’s Clinic Travel Fund
- About Us
- For Families
- Get Involved
- Modest Impact on Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder of Rare Copy Number Variants at 15q11.2, Specifically Breakpoints 1 to 2
- Differences between the pattern of developmental abnormalities in autism associated with duplications 15q11.2-q13 and idiopathic autism
- Research
- The behavioral phenotype of the idic(15) syndrome
- Newsletter
- The inv dup (15) or idic (15) syndrome (Tetrasomy 15q)
- Using large clinical data sets to infer pathogenicity for rare copy number variants in autism cohorts
- Levels of select PCB and PBDE congeners in human postmortem brain reveal possible environmental involvement in 15q11-q13 duplication autism spectrum disorder
- A survey of seizures and current treatments in 15q duplication syndrome
- The interstitial duplication 15q11.2-q13 syndrome includes autism, mild facial anomalies and a characteristic EEG signature
- Prevalence of selected genomic deletions and duplications in a French–Canadian population-based sample of newborns
- Increased copy number for methylated 15q duplications leads to changes in gene and protein expression in human cortical samples
- Neuron-specific impairment of inter-chromosomal pairing and transcription in a novel model of human 15q-duplication syndrome
- The comorbidity of autism with the genomic disorders of chromosome 15q11.2-q13
- A longitudinal follow-up study of autistic symptoms in children and adults with duplications of 15q11-13
- Chromosome 15q11-13 duplication syndrome brain reveals epigenetic alterations in gene expression not predicted from copy number
- Multiple forms of atypical rearrangements generating supernumerary derivative chromosome 15
- Inv dup (15): is the electroclinical phenotype helpful for this challenging clinical diagnosis?
- Genomic and functional profiling of duplicated chromosome 15 cell lines reveal regulatory alterations in UBE3A-associated ubiquitin-proteasome pathway processes
- Clinical findings in 33 subjects with large supernumerary marker(15) chromosomes and 3 subjects with triplication of 15q11-q13
- The inv dup(15) or idic(15) syndrome: a clinically recognizable neurogenetic disorder
- Supernumerary tricentric derivative chromosome 15 in two boys with intractable epilepsy
- High-resolution molecular characterization of 15q11-q13 rearrangements by array comparative genomic hybridization with detection of gene dosage
- Chromosome 15q11-13 abnormalities and other medical conditions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders
- Genetic and clinical characterization of patients with an interstitial duplication 15q11-q13
- Estimate of the prevalence of chromosome 15q11-q13 duplications
- Fine mapping of autistic disorder to chromosome 15q11-q13 by use of phenotypic subtypes
- Mild generalized epilepsy and developmental disorder associated with large inv dup(15)
- Estimate of prevalence of proximal 15q duplication syndrome
- Allele-specific expression analysis by RNA-FISH demonstrates preferential maternal expression of UBE3A and imprint maintenance within 15q11-q13 duplications
- Rearrangements of chromosome 15 in epilepsy
- The phenotypic manifestations of interstitial duplications of proximal 15q with special reference to the autistic spectrum disorders
- Relationship between clinical and genetic features in inverted duplicated chromosome 15 patients
- The syndrome of inv dup (15): clinical, electroencephalographic, and imaging findings
- Genetic studies in autistic disorder and chromosome 15
- Symptomatic generalized epilepsy associated with an inverted duplication of chromosome 15
- Autistic symptoms among children and young adults with isodicentric chromosome 15
- Autism and maternally derived aberrations of chromosome 15q
- The inv dup(15) syndrome: a clinically recognizable syndrome with altered behavior, mental retardation, and epilepsy
- Autism or atypical autism in maternally but not paternally derived proximal 15q duplication