Does your loved one with dup15q have Seizures?

August 16, 2022

Urgent: Seizure Frequency in Individuals with Dup15q Syndrome

Does your loved one with Dup15q have Seizures?

Radius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is seeking parents/caregivers of individuals with dup15q syndrome who will complete a 10-question survey regarding seizure frequency.

The purpose of this survey is to help Radius Pharmaceuticals, Inc. both better understand seizure frequency for your loved one with dup15q syndrome and our community’s potential willingness to participate in future research.  

Your participation is completely anonymous and may help Radius design future studies in dup15q syndrome.

Our goal is to reach 200 responses by September 7th, 2022

The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and is incredibly important for our community!

Take the Survey

This survey is open to eligible participants world-wide.

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