Introducing a clinical study for children with Dup15q Syndrome
Quindecim (study name)
Basmisanil is a drug that modulates the activity of a GABAA receptor subtype that is thought to be overactive in Dup15q Syndrome. In this trial, researchers aim to find out what effects, good or bad, Basmisanil may have compared to a placebo, on motor, language and social skills of children with Dup15q Syndrome and on their ability to do day-to-day activities.
The Quindecim study is currently running and plans to include about 90 children with Dup15q syndrome, between the ages of 2 and 11 years old (inclusive). To learn more about the study, please talk to your doctor and check the following resources:
IMPORTANT: If your child does not meet current eligibility requirements, please check back as it is projected two additional groups may open.
The Quindecim clinical research study is sponsored by a pharmaceutical company called Roche.
*more locations expected to open in 2023