Get Involved
Dup15q Alliance would not exist without all of our community volunteers! Founded by a handful of concerned parents in 1994, today we have over 2200 registered families. With the help of these families and their supporters we’ve organized numerous conferences, facilitated the creation of dup15q clinics, advanced research into dup15q syndrome, made progress in governmental advocacy, and held dozens of fundraising and awareness events. Thank you to those who generously give both their time and financial support to help Dup15q Alliance grow.
Ways to Give
Donate Now
Fund Research
Leave a Legacy/Endowment
Give Stock
Employer Matching Gift
Run/Ride for a Reason
2024 Million Dollar Bike Ride
2024 TCS New York City Marathon
2024 United Airlines NYC Half
Run for a Reason
Walk for a Reason
Ride for a Reason
Host a Believe Walk
In 2015, Dup15q Alliance Launched the first Collaborated World-Wide BelIieve Walk Event! 2016 brought 8 locations in the US and several international locations.
Bring the Believe Walk to your Area
Volunteer Opportunities
Sunshine Committee
International Task Force
Parent Ambassador
Host a Family Gathering
Junior Believe Ambassador
Empowering Youth Advocates
Compassion Experience
Raising Awareness
School Projects
Governmental Advocacy
Get Informed
Advocacy in Action
Legislative Priorities
Host a Fundraiser
Typically hosted by friends and family of those affected by dup15q syndrome, they are the backbone of our awareness and fundraising campaigns. Events range from the simple to the elaborate, but all come from the heart. Limited only by imagination, we have had fundraisers including birthday celebrations, walk/bike events, run for a reason, email fundraisers, facebook fundraisers, formal dinner parties, restaurant fundraisers, golf tournaments and 3rd party vendors to name a few.
You can earn conference registration rewards and nights in the conference hotel based on the amount of money you raise for Dup15q Alliance. Fundraisers held from January 1st, 2024 until December 31, 2024 will qualify for Conference 2025 Rewards. More details – Earn Free Conference Rewards – Dup15Q Alliance
Fundraising can be as easy as sending an email to your friends and family asking them to honor your child with a donation to Dup15q Alliance. Feeling adventurous? Plan an outing or event and invite your friends and family. Have other children? Invite their school and community groups to sponsor a fundraiser for Dup15q Alliance. The options are unlimited and we can help with each step of the way.
Dup15q Alliance can make an online giving page for your event. We can provide brochures and other materials to distribute at your event. We will help as much, or as little, as you’d like. Contact to start planning your dup15q event today!
Together we can make a difference for all those affected by dup15q syndrome!