“Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.”

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In Loving Memory of Kyle Morgan Hoffman

1990 – 2019

Kyle Morgan Hoffman passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on February 10th, 2019, in Carlsbad California. 

Kyle was born on April 9th, 1990, opening day for the Padres.  He was diagnosed before his first birthday with a duplicate 15th chromosome fragment (Dup 15) and at the time little was known about this genetic condition and only 100 known cases existed. We were told that he may never walk or talk and they knew little about this particular genetic disorder. There was no one to turn to at that point and we remember feeling so confused on what to do next. As Kyle grew up, he coped with low muscle tone, seizures (starting at 8), reduced mental capacity, sleeping and anxiety disorders.

On the positive side, Kyle loved to snuggle, give hugs, take on any ride at Disneyland and most of all singing songs while walking on the beach. Being outside walking and singing was his happy place. Kyle had a sense of joy and happiness that he shared with us every day and we are so grateful for all the years we had with him.  When he was younger, Kyle was supported by many caring doctors at Rady Children’s Hospital.  As he aged out of Rady’s he was supported by a wonderful team at the UCLA Medical Center, led by Dr. Shafali Jeste, who were focusing on Dup 15 research.  Thru a variety of programs such as Reins horseback riding, Easter Seals swimming, Regional Center providing physical and occupational therapy, his muscles became strong enough to walk and talk.

Today, there is the Dup15 Alliance, a nonprofit organization that families can turn to and learn what to expect and how to solve challenges that they face.  There is also extensive research going on to help understand the impact of dup 15 chromosome and medications on the body.  The cause of Kyle’s sudden death is unknown but likely due to a spinal seizure that stopped both his heart and breathing.  Kyle is survived by his mom and dad, Susan and John Hoffman, and by his younger siblings, Keaton and Kelly Hoffman. We would appreciate any donations to support the research and family support of the Dup 15 Alliance so that all families have the opportunity to give their child the best care possible.

Thank you, Susan and John