Dup15q Clinic at Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital, Netherlands

The clinic at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands, is part of ENCORE headed by Ype Elgersma and closely collaborates with the Dutch patient organization vASN and the Nina Foundation. (See Encore Dutch website.)

It is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary clinic that serves children, adolescents and adults with specialties in the following areas.

  • Neurology
  • Psychology
  • Speech and Language/AAC
  • Physical therapy
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Behavior and development management 

Clinic Head at Erasmus MC-ENCORE is Pediatric Neurologist, Dr. Marie-Claire de Wit, M.D., Ph.D.

Coordinator is Pediatrician, Dr. G.C.B. Bindels- de Heus, M.D.


Clinic hours: Wednesday or Friday
Call: +31-10-703-6-341 or preferred: angelman@erasmusmc.nl or dup15q@erasmusmc.nl

Children are all seen in the Children’s Hospital by the pediatric neurologist and pediatrician of the clinic at one location. Then they may move to different offices for different specialties. There is a baby-sitting service for siblings if needed.

Adults are seen in a single location by a specialist.

Prepare for Your Clinic Visit Using this Checklist


Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital
Dr. Molewaterplein 40
3015 GD Rotterdam
The Netherlands