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2023: Seizures and Dup15q - Dr. Ron Thibert
2021: Monika Jones - Surgical Treatments for Epilepsy
2021: Danny Did - Technology and Devices in Epilepsy
2021: Q & A with Dr. Ron Thibert
2021: Neurological Care Panel
2021: Rob Moss - Seizure Tracker
2019: Dr. Ron Thibert - Identification and Management of Seizures
2019: Dr. Orrin Devnsky - CBD Epidiolex
2017: Dr. Shaun Hussain - Medical Marijuana & Cannabidol for Treatment of Pediatric Epilepsy
2017: Dr. Raman Sankar - Epilepsy and other clinical issues in Dup15q
2017: Dr. Shaun Hussain - 12 A potential role of cannabidiol in the treatment of epilepsy
2016: Dr. Ron Thibert - Seizures & Dup15q Syndrome
2016: Dup15q Alliance- Types of Seizures
2016: Dr. Orrin Devinsky - Use of Cannabinoids to Treat Seizures

Developmental and Behavioral 

2023: Dr. Christopher Keary - Behavioral Health in Dup15q
2021: Neuropsychological Evaluation and Utilities
2021: Ann Reynolds, MD - Development Behavioral Pediatrics
2021: Dr. Christopher Keary - Medication Based Treatments for Behavioral Concerns
2021: Dr. Nathan Call - Understanding Challenging Behavior
2017: Dr. Mauro Coppa - Sterotypical Behaviors in Intellectually Impaired Students
2017: Dr. Shafali Jeste - Co-Morbid Diagnoses (Non-Seizure)
2017: Barbara Haas-Givler: The ABC's of Effective Strategies to Support Behavior and Learning

GI (Gastrointestinal 

2023: Dr. Lee Bass - GI Issues
2021 Gayathri Blasuriya PH.D. GI Dysfucton in 15q Duplication Syndrome
2021: Dr. Lee Bass - GI Clinical Care
2019: Dr. Shafali Jeste - Comorbid diagnosis in Dup15q (Sleep & GI)
2016: Dr. Mark Corkins - GI Issues in Dup15q Syndrome


2021: Amanda Tourjee, RN, MSN, DNP Sleep in Neurogenetic Conditions
2021: Dr. Arsenio Paez Sleep and Physical Activity
2019: Sleep Circadian Function and Dysfunction
2019: Dr. Shafali Jeste - Comorbid diagnosis in Dup15q (Sleep & GI)
2017 Christopher Colwell: Sleep - Circadian function and dysfunction in autism

Interventions and Strategies

2021: Family Strategies for Living with a Genetic Condition
2021: Bodies and Boundaries - Safeguarding Vulnerable Children
2019: Service Dogs 101
2017: ACC and It's use in individuals with complex communication needs
2017: Superplus - AAC Mobile App that helps non-verbal children learn critical language skills.

Education and IEP’s

2021: Catherine Whitcher - IEP Best Practices and Real World Solutions
2021: Dr. Charlotte DiStefano - Education and Interventions for School Age Children
2019: Brandi Viter - Breaking Down the Transition IEP
2019 Dr. Charolette DiStefano - Education and Interevention
2017: Catherine Whitcher - IEP Goal Writing and Advocacy

Dup15q – Teens and Adulthood

2021: Special Recreation
2021: Teen Life
2021: Fostering Friendships and Creating Connections for People with Dup15q Syndrome
2019: Transition to Adulthood
2019: Brandi Viter - Breaking Down the Transition IEP
2017: Thriving in Adult Life: supported living with friends
2017: Residential Options: Solutions to Long Term Care


2021: Dr. David Fray - My Family Dental Boot Camp
2019: Dr. David Fray - Special Needs Dentistry
2017: Jill Lasky - Do I really have to worry about their teeth too?


2023: What Can You Expect From Visiting a Dup15q Clinic? Dr. Liz Jalazo
2021: Collaborating With Your Medical Team
2021: Neuro Osteopathy in Motion Approach for Dup15q Patients
2019: Neuromuscular and Noninvasive Pulmonary Interventions
2019: Interstitial Duplications Myclonus and Neurogenetic
2017: Motor Function in Dup15q Syndrome
2017: Dr. Shafali Jeste What to expect at a Dup15q Clinic Visit

Future Planning

2021: Navigating Social Security and Public Benefits
2021: Special Needs Planning - Special Needs Trusts & Able Accounts
2021: Starting a Life Plan - Eric Goll
2019: Andre Sam - Disability and Special Needs Planner


2023: Laina Lusk - Genetics 101
2021: Identifying Genes that Contribute to Dup15q Syndrome Using a Human Stem Cell Model
2017: Overview of Dup15q Syndrome and a complex genomic region
2017: Brenda Finucane - Genetics 101: Duplications of the 15q11-13 Region

Clinical Trials and Treatments

2023: Roche Pharmaceutical: Drug Trial Update - Roche
2023: Dr. Jeste- Biomarkers: What are they and how do they help Dup15q?
2023: Clinical Trial Discussion Panel
2023: What Are ASO's and Why Do They Matter? Dr. James Fink
2021: GABA a5 Receptors-A Theraputic Target for Dup15q Syndrome
2021: ASO Based Theraputic for Dup15q Syndrome
2019: Gene Therapies CRiSPR
2019: Clincal Trial Readiness


2023: Autism BrainNet: Understanding tissue donation
2023: What can we expect next from research in Dup15q syndrome?
2023: The Role of UBE3A
2021: EEG Biomarkers
2021: Identifying Genes that Contribute to Dup15q Syndrome Using a Human Stem Cell Model
2021: UBE3A Overexpression Model for Dup15q Syndrome
2021: Using Pluripotent Stem Cells to Develop Theraputics for 15q Disorders
2017: Human Stem Cell Models to Study Neuronal Pathophysiology
2017: Takumi Mouse Model of Dup15q
2017: 16 Electrophysiological biomarkers in mouse models of Dup15q
2017: Genome wide changes to transcription methylation and histone
2017: Glial Overexpression of UBE3A causes Seizures and Impairments
2015: Dr. Stormy Chamberlain - IPSC Model of Dup15q Syndrome