Many children with dup15q have difficulties with behavior and social communication, with a lack of response to social cues frequently observed. In older individuals, there is some suggestion of improving social awareness with age. Affected individuals may also experience hyperactivity, anxiety, and frustration leading to tantrums. Mood disorders and psychosis occur in some affected individuals.
Suggested Evaluations
Physicians may order the following evaluations to help better diagnose and treat the individual.
Neuropsychiatric evaluation and behavioral assessment for individuals > 12 months for behavior concerns including:
- sleep disturbances
- anxiety
- attention
- aggression
- self-injurious behavior
- traits suggestive of Autism spectrum disorder
Concerns about serious aggressive or destructive behavior can be addressed by a pediatric psychiatrist.
Treatment Considerations:
Children may qualify for and benefit from interventions used in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder, including applied behavior analysis (ABA). ABA therapy is targeted to the individual child’s behavioral, social, and adaptive strengths and weaknesses and typically performed one on one with a board-certified behavior analyst.
Consultation with a developmental pediatrician may be helpful in guiding parents through appropriate behavior management strategies or providing prescription medications, such as medication used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), when necessary.