Dup15q Alliance School Printables

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We are excited to offer some custom printables that may help the transition back to school be a bit easier.

About Me: Printable School sheet

The purpose of the “About Me’ printable is to share information with those people in your child’s school who may not have time to read the entire IEP file for every student.  It is to provide an overview of the key points and not to replace an IEP.

Share with general education and specials teachers, substitute teachers, therapists, administrators, and other school staff who may have direct contact with your child.

Follow the link to create your own from our template: you will be prompted to set up a free Canva account. Downloading a PDF is free and you can print it from home.

Need some help?  Send your child’s info to outreach@dup15q.org and we can create one for you and mail the printed version to your home at no cost to you!


Rare Disease Medical Card

The purpose of the Rare Disease Medical Card is to provide a brief overview of your child’s medical needs for caregivers. This small card carries information about your child’s health and is valuable in emergencies when you are not immediately available.

Need some help?  Send your child’s info tooutreach@dup15q.org and we can create one for you and mail the printed version to your home at no cost to you!

About Me School Printable
Med card