Dup15q Alliance Research Grant Program

Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 environment, the 2020 RFA will be delayed until further notice.


Dup15q Alliance invites applications for our Dup15q Alliance Research Grant Program. All proposals must be scientifically linked to dup15q syndrome.

Researchers funded by the Dup15q Alliance have a strong history of obtaining additional funding: between 2014 and 2017, principal investigators who received a total of $400,000 from the Dup15q Alliance subsequently garnered an additional $2.5 million from the NIH for dup15q syndrome-related research.


The Dup15q Alliance Research Grant Program emphasizes the need to support research by established independent investigators (post training period). This funding opportunity is open to investigators at established academic or research institutions. Researchers residing in the United States do not need to be U.S. citizens to apply for funding.

  • Duration: Up to two years (can be shorter if appropriate for the project), second year of funding is contingent on satisfactory progress during Year 1.

  • Budget limits (can be less if appropriate for the project):

    • Maximum total costs of $50,000 per year ($100,000 total) direct costs only.  

    • Cost for travel expenses to attend a relevant scientific meeting should be included in your budget.

  • Research plans should address one of the following four high-priority areas:

    • Understanding phenotypic heterogeneity in Dup15q, i.e., research on genetic, biologic, or environmental factors that might explain why Dup15q is so different from person to person

    • Defining the neurobiological and neurophysiological underpinnings of the Dup15q using cellular, animal or human systems.

    • Improving Dup15q disease models, whether cell-based, tissue-based, or animal models

    • Developing clinical biomarkers or patient-reported outcome measures for Dup15q, particularly those that assess disease burden or stratify an individual’s risk of progression or developing specific manifestations of Dup15q

Research grant awards are intended to provide funding for an independent researcher, whether tenure-track faculty, non-tenure-track faculty or staff, or an equivalent level at a research institution or company. The award may support laboratory supplies, personnel costs, services, or equipment necessary to conduct the proposed research. No portion of these funds shall be used to cover indirect university costs. The Dup15q Alliance fully supports collaborative projects between co-investigators, but only one investigator may be considered the “Principal Investigator” for the purpose of applying through the online system.

Projects that address one or more of the Dup15q Alliance current research priorities are preferred:

-Molecular and cellular etiology of dup15q-specific phenotypes

-autism: behavior, language and cognitive aspects




-deficits in motor function


-Studies related to management of and new treatments for these phenotypes


Applications will only be accepted through the online submission system (below)

List of Requirements
  • Completed online application form (below)

    • Proposal abstract (maximum 250 words)

    • Applicant biosketch (modified NIH format – see below)

    • Letter of support from institution on institutional letterhead

    • Proposed research plan (maximum 4 pages) describing:

      • Hypothesis

      • Aims

      • Methods

      • Expected Results

      • Potential Pitfalls/Alternative Strategies

      • Literature cited (not counted in page limits)

  • Budget and justification

Font, Spacing and Page Numbering

All pages should be single spaced, 11 pt. Arial font with 0.5 inch margins.  Number pages at top right or bottom center prior to converting to pdf.

Proposal Abstract

Maximum 250 words: The abstract must be written using language that could be understood by a layperson or non-expert. It should indicate the proposed research and training goals, the training environment and the relevance of the research to individuals with dup15q syndrome and their families.

Applicant Biosketch (Maximum 5 Pages)​

The PI’s Biosketch should follow the basic format used by the NIH with these exceptions:


  1. The applicant should submit a personal statement describing her/his background, experience, and qualifications for this award, as well as his/her career plans in dup15q syndrome research. The statement should describe how the proposed project will impact dup15q syndrome.

All publications and presentations may be placed in “Contributions to Science” section.

  1. Positions and Honors: Follow the NIH Format.

  2. The Contribution to Science section should follow the NIH format with up to five most significant contributions to science.  The applicant may list all published and in press publications (not “in preparation”) or presentations arising from these experiences.  Emphasis on how these experiences prepare the applicant to perform the proposed studies should be made when possible and if they specifically prepared the way for work on dup15q syndrome.  

Proposed Research Plan

Maximum 4 pages (Not including literature cited)

The plan should describe the research project, including hypotheses to be tested, specific aims, background/preliminary studies, methods, eligible subjects (if applicable), expected results.  Potential pitfalls and alternative strategies should be addressed.  Figures should be embedded and included within page limits.  

Literature Cited

Cite using numerical citations in parentheses for each reference. Bibliography should include up to three authors, year, title, journal, volume and page numbers.


Please submit a budget, including stipends, salary, supplies and other research related costs​.  A brief justification of costs should be provided, noting any cost-sharing (if applicable).

Human Subjects and Animal Welfare Certifications

IRB and IACUC certifications are NOT required to submit at the time of application, but are required before an award will be made.  If your proposed project is a component of an  active, approved IRB/IACUC protocol, please provide that information in your submission.


Proposals must adhere to the page limits provided. Applications with one or more sections that are longer than the page limit may not be reviewed.

Upload completed application (included all pieces listed above) as one electronic file (.pdf) at the end of the online submission form (below).


Questions may be sent to us at research@dup15q.org.