Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a participant of the The Interagency Collaborative to Advance Research in Epilepsy...

The Dup15q Alliance recognizes the importance of working together to achieve common goals through partnerships with other groups and initiatives that are focused on improving the lives of those with rare disorders.
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a participant of the The Interagency Collaborative to Advance Research in Epilepsy...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a part of the THRIVE initiative. THRIVE is a collaborative initiative to engage,...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a member of the The Global Genes RARE Foundation Alliance. We are a global community...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a member of CORD, Canada's national network for organizations representing all those...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a patient organization member with NORD. NORD Mission Statement NORD, a 501(c)(3)...
The Rare As One grant will support Project 8p’s collaboration with the Dup15q Alliance, another patient-led advocacy...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a founding organization for the Commission on Novel Technology in Neurodevelopmental...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to be a member of The Haystack Project, committed to the Rare and Ultra Rare Disease...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to partner with Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy on several initiatives in the Rare...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to partner with the Epilepsy Foundation on several rare disease initiatives in order to work...
Dup15q Alliance is proud to partner on several projects with the Child Neurology Foundation moving the entire...
The Rare Epilepsy Network (REN) is a partnership between rare epilepsy organizations, the Epilepsy Foundation,...
ADA Center
Southwest ADA Center
2323 S. Shepherd, #1000
Houston, TX, 77019
Assistive Technology
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network
P.O. Box 14115
Baton Rouge, LA, 70898
Autism Society of Louisiana
P.O. Box 80162
Baton Rouge, LA, 70898
(health care for low-income uninsured children)
Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program
LaCHIP Processing Office
628 N. 4th Street
P. O. Bo 629
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629
D D Council
Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council
P.O. Box 3455
Baton Rouge, LA, 70821-3455
Developmental Disabilities
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
P.O. Box 3117, Bin 21
Baton Rouge, LA, Baton Rouge